The Secret to Making a Four Square Written List in 6 Minutes – Getting a Newbie off to a Fast Start

The Biggest Known Secret in Network Marketing is getting your new people off to a fast start!

Speed is everything!  One of the most important activities as a leader is moving your new team member into action immediately. 

This means getting a written list ASAP!  It means working with your new recruit personally, not just barking orders and telling them what to do. 

Moving a new person into action mode immediately is one of the most critical activities you can engage in.  

One of the first steps of moving a new team member into action is getting a written list from them. There is a major distinction between simply asking for a written list and helping a new team member make a written list.

Give Clear Directives and Targeted Goals!

Have your new team member make four different lists. One list for 

Friends, Family, Past/Present Co-Workers, and one for Business Owners/ Most Successful People they know.

Give your new person defined tasks and time periods to complete the task of making a written list increases urgency and leads to more targeted results.

You made a list, now what?

It’s time to prioritize the list! Place one check mark next to each name on the list when they fit into one of the traits below.

  • Business Minded 
  • Money Motivated
  • Glow
  • Large Circle of Influence
  • Do you a favor?